require 'formula' class Vice < Formula url "" md5 "6737f540806205384e9129026898b0a1" homepage '' def remove_unused_icons Pathname.glob libexec+'*.app' do |d| appname = File.basename(d, '.app') Pathname.glob d+'Contents/Resources/x*.icns' do |g| File.unlink g if File.basename(g, '.icns') != appname end end end def install fails_with_llvm "Cannot build with LLVM" ENV.libpng # Disable the zlibtest, we know we have it. # Use Cocoa instead of X system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-cocoa", "--without-x", "--disable-zlibtest" system "make" system "make bindist" prefix.install Dir['vice-macosx-*/*'] remove_unused_icons end def caveats "Cocoa apps for these emulators have been installed to #{prefix}." end end