class Exiftool < Formula desc "Perl lib for reading and writing EXIF metadata" homepage "" # Ensure release is tagged production before submitting. # url "" sha256 "f06ae200950cd3f441f20f7532163365965aa45a91d96114672b0eb176b76d2a" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "e3637e7ee2e3c54995563a16833b4993b121117554e13ec0d4cbe98c5e9653a8" => :el_capitan sha256 "f988ac89821ff960cc564af07fc094deb313e314bf7017397573d69b362de479" => :yosemite sha256 "627a623afdbd4fd5a9c4af02cb1228713f70ff68362733000a84890af89c4416" => :mavericks end devel do url "" sha256 "edc2de5848375f7ccb88cd7d0260c98c4c581ffd509c4c249949f0cd1f522dd0" end def install # replace the hard-coded path to the lib directory inreplace "exiftool", "$exeDir/lib", libexec/"lib" system "perl", "Makefile.PL" libexec.install "lib" bin.install "exiftool" end test do system bin/"exiftool" end end