require 'formula' class Weechat < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 'db2392b8e31738f79f0898f77eda8daa' head 'git://' depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'gnutls' def install # Remove all arch flags from the PERL_*FLAGS as we specify them ourselves. # This messes up because the system perl is a fat binary with 32, 64 and PPC # compiles, but our deps don't have that. archs = ['-arch ppc', '-arch i386', '-arch x86_64'].join('|') inreplace "src/plugins/scripts/perl/CMakeLists.txt", 'IF(PERL_FOUND)', 'IF(PERL_FOUND)' + %Q{\n STRING(REGEX REPLACE "#{archs}" "" PERL_CFLAGS "${PERL_CFLAGS}")} + %Q{\n STRING(REGEX REPLACE "#{archs}" "" PERL_LFLAGS "${PERL_LFLAGS}")} # -DPREFIX has to be specified because weechat devs enjoy being non-standard # Compiling langauge module doesn't work. Feel free to add options to enable these. system "cmake", "-DPREFIX=#{prefix}", "-DENABLE_RUBY=OFF", "-DENABLE_PERL=OFF", "-DENABLE_PYTHON=OFF", std_cmake_parameters, "." system "make install" end end