class Libslax < Formula desc "Implementation of the SLAX language (an XSLT alternative)" homepage "" url "" sha256 "59f8aace21fb7e02091da3b84de7e231d5d02af26401985b109d2b328ab3f09d" bottle do sha256 "a1a28522c18d2e2ee6db483a24d05f11434526ee01a0f30de88a1fd915409c58" => :sierra sha256 "05dc9585d259e452b4ae116f4885a854a17f01b5dad364559f51bd4540456e67" => :el_capitan sha256 "c5d5205c1cf54433d4e3c37cde10488c5b6f3c78cbe00c7b903c7c4f4e42e804" => :yosemite sha256 "6ebe095ba980ce574312cc694c2da90a12bd6e57c3016e0f9ed9f7acc56703b8" => :mavericks end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build end if MacOS.version <= :mountain_lion depends_on "libxml2" depends_on "libxslt" depends_on "sqlite" # Needs 3.7.13, which shipped on 10.9. end depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "curl" if MacOS.version <= :lion depends_on "openssl" def install # configure remembers "-lcrypto" but not the link path. ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L#{Formula["openssl"].opt_lib}" system "sh", "./bin/" if build.head? system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-libedit" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"hello.slax").write <<-EOS.undent version 1.0; match / { expr "Hello World!"; } EOS system "#{bin}/slaxproc", "--slax-to-xslt", "hello.slax", "hello.xslt" assert File.exist?("hello.xslt") assert_match "Hello World!","hello.xslt") end end