class Pius < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "PGP individual UID signer" homepage "" url "" sha256 "876763c351ba8538d0c614c31f1873b5e821425927631139c83378532215516c" revision 1 head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "3c04e58f291f4185c98d6cde4708c9b3f8c08563ba4d4555fcb32809b5c75916" => :high_sierra sha256 "2fdc3d5b4fce9b55ab0c3b468ffd70ecb2e0f656a80609fb3178848082f83b27" => :sierra sha256 "e0345dc516c520f5c2c14b1f06b7f147375ac91676991a47e523de0af4ce2e64" => :el_capitan end depends_on "gnupg" def install # Replace hardcoded gpg path (WONTFIX) inreplace "libpius/", %r{/usr/bin/gpg2?}, "/usr/bin/env gpg" virtualenv_install_with_resources end def caveats; <<~EOS The path to gpg is hardcoded in pius as `/usr/bin/env gpg`. You can specify a different path by editing ~/.pius: gpg-path=/path/to/gpg EOS end test do system bin/"pius", "-T" end end