class Mailhog < Formula desc "Web and API based SMTP testing tool" homepage "" revision 1 head "" stable do url "" sha256 "e7aebdc9295aa3a4a15198b921e76ec9b1a490d2f3e67d4670b94d816d070f37" # These two patches introduce the vendoring system, and fix a build # issue that would be introduced by the vendoring system otherwise. patch do url "" sha256 "408d90ce37df218a122d2ae5d41c59fed33c4d16a075f25e9d90f046a6efc974" end patch do url "" sha256 "a34dddc0387b460a5bb6b673b05301098b37a3ed9313899c519466fcbc8f358c" end end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "ae2cc4e74e86634e24dba328424475c238b87886bcf75eb35e42fb53e7f402c6" => :sierra sha256 "30feb97181d3d4075ebd417ba7aeb3e5041e1c544b1ecec962b50f32d02760ae" => :el_capitan sha256 "a4ada6cbc833f8040a1f0c37c4ed8be58eefc7e6858c049ae1df2f9034ee4944" => :yosemite sha256 "215cf3c14a47cd83ff3e8201c822486c2ffb043bf1f5f1a24b3917c71af5367e" => :mavericks end depends_on "go" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath path = buildpath/"src/" path.install buildpath.children cd path do system "go", "build", "-o", bin/"MailHog", "-v" prefix.install_metafiles end end plist_options :manual => "MailHog" def plist; <<-EOS.undent KeepAlive Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/MailHog RunAtLoad StandardErrorPath #{var}/log/mailhog.log StandardOutPath #{var}/log/mailhog.log EOS end test do pid = fork do exec "#{bin}/MailHog" end sleep 2 begin output = shell_output("curl -s http://localhost:8025") assert_match "MailHog", output ensure Process.kill("SIGINT", pid) Process.wait(pid) end end end