class Sourcedocs < Formula desc "Generate Markdown files from inline source code documentation" homepage "" url "" sha256 "3c2e2de695d49dbdd5acb49f8876042bdc97e8d6b95584d3ef6b592b8f10affc" depends_on :xcode => ["9.3", :build, :test] def install system "swift", "build", "--disable-sandbox", "-c", "release", "-Xswiftc", "-static-stdlib" bin.install ".build/release/sourcedocs" end test do assert_match "SourceDocs v#{version}", shell_output("#{bin}/sourcedocs version") # There are some issues with SourceKitten running in sandbox mode in Mojave # The following test has been disabled on Mojave until that issue is resolved # - # - if MacOS.version < "10.14" mkdir "foo" do system "swift", "package", "init" system "swift", "build", "--disable-sandbox" system "#{bin}/sourcedocs", "generate", "--spm-module", "foo", "--output-folder", testpath/"Documentation/Reference" assert_predicate testpath/"Documentation/Reference/", :exist? end end end end