require 'formula' class ErlangInstalled < Requirement fatal true env :userpaths default_formula "erlang" satisfy { erl = which('erl') and begin `#{erl} -noshell -eval 'io:fwrite("~s~n", [erlang:system_info(otp_release)]).' -s erlang halt | grep -q '^1[789]'` $?.exitstatus == 0 end } def message; <<-EOS.undent Erlang 17 is required to install. You can install this with: brew install erlang Or you can use an official installer from: EOS end end class Elixir < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '6a2513aeb45f3e79782ec2900cfdc3a1d48fdb3d' head '' bottle do sha256 "537d5760fbd780fef37a27872f1ee4d93b073a9a466a03c1f5834a804ece0275" => :yosemite sha256 "5aa31b974c75e1d97db4be2e88ee2a34f0518ef183471f18b0225604b362b39a" => :mavericks sha256 "3021ac2b3fe0aae5dfb7bb03d057ccd7df5bb9b733de35399ff7a431cae622ee" => :mountain_lion end depends_on ErlangInstalled def install system "make" bin.install Dir['bin/*'] - Dir['bin/*.{bat,ps1}'] Dir.glob("lib/*/ebin") do |path| app = File.basename(File.dirname(path)) (lib/app).install path end end test do system "#{bin}/elixir", "-v" end end