# Reference: https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim/wiki/building class Macvim < Formula desc "GUI for vim, made for macOS" homepage "https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim" url "https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim/archive/snapshot-138.tar.gz" version "8.0-138" sha256 "3d20968c44fb5831b82c5c4216fb0b4b3da3c90aef8d4ff2f87256d603205ad8" head "https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim.git" bottle do sha256 "227efc7085abe62d5587a3a44a97d68b0907606e0bbfbb5805c04a980a313caa" => :high_sierra sha256 "ced9999958e7e2815da76986b0b890c542eeea85e0309aeb1717e9e276fce1fc" => :sierra sha256 "237943e228a6015b791e6e6c9db8e35fab68d9ffc18fdabf037ca1fa1151c43f" => :el_capitan end option "with-override-system-vim", "Override system vim" deprecated_option "override-system-vim" => "with-override-system-vim" depends_on :xcode => :build depends_on "cscope" => :recommended depends_on "lua" => :optional depends_on "luajit" => :optional if MacOS.version >= :mavericks option "with-custom-python", "Build with a custom Python 2 instead of the Homebrew version." end depends_on :python => :recommended depends_on :python3 => :optional def install # Avoid issues finding Ruby headers if MacOS.version == :sierra || MacOS.version == :yosemite ENV.delete("SDKROOT") end # MacVim doesn't have or require any Python package, so unset PYTHONPATH ENV.delete("PYTHONPATH") # If building for OS X 10.7 or up, make sure that CC is set to "clang" ENV.clang if MacOS.version >= :lion args = %W[ --with-features=huge --enable-multibyte --with-macarchs=#{MacOS.preferred_arch} --enable-perlinterp --enable-rubyinterp --enable-tclinterp --enable-terminal --with-tlib=ncurses --with-compiledby=Homebrew --with-local-dir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} ] args << "--enable-cscope" if build.with? "cscope" if build.with? "lua" args << "--enable-luainterp" args << "--with-lua-prefix=#{Formula["lua"].opt_prefix}" end if build.with? "luajit" args << "--enable-luainterp" args << "--with-lua-prefix=#{Formula["luajit"].opt_prefix}" args << "--with-luajit" end # Allow python or python3, but not both; if the optional # python3 is chosen, default to it; otherwise, use python2 if build.with? "python3" args << "--enable-python3interp" elsif build.with? "python" ENV.prepend "LDFLAGS", `python-config --ldflags`.chomp # Needed for <= OS X 10.9.2 with Xcode 5.1 ENV.prepend "CFLAGS", `python-config --cflags`.chomp.gsub(/-mno-fused-madd /, "") framework_script = <<-EOS.undent import sysconfig print sysconfig.get_config_var("PYTHONFRAMEWORKPREFIX") EOS framework_prefix = `python -c '#{framework_script}'`.strip # Non-framework builds should have PYTHONFRAMEWORKPREFIX defined as "" if framework_prefix.include?("/") && framework_prefix != "/System/Library/Frameworks" ENV.prepend "LDFLAGS", "-F#{framework_prefix}" ENV.prepend "CFLAGS", "-F#{framework_prefix}" end args << "--enable-pythoninterp" end system "./configure", *args system "make" prefix.install "src/MacVim/build/Release/MacVim.app" bin.install_symlink prefix/"MacVim.app/Contents/bin/mvim" # Create MacVim vimdiff, view, ex equivalents executables = %w[mvimdiff mview mvimex gvim gvimdiff gview gvimex] executables += %w[vi vim vimdiff view vimex] if build.with? "override-system-vim" executables.each { |e| bin.install_symlink "mvim" => e } end def caveats if build.with?("python") && build.with?("python3") <<-EOS.undent MacVim can no longer be brewed with dynamic support for both Python versions. Only Python 3 support has been provided. EOS end end test do ENV.prepend_path "PATH", Formula["python"].opt_libexec/"bin" # Simple test to check if MacVim was linked to Python version in $PATH if build.with? "python" system_framework_path = `python-config --exec-prefix`.chomp assert_match system_framework_path, `mvim --version` end assert_match "+ruby", shell_output("#{bin}/mvim --version") end end