require 'formula' class Pango < Formula homepage '' url '' sha256 '1aea30df34a8ae4fcce71afd22aa5b57224b52916d46e3ea81ff9f1eb130e64c' option 'without-x', 'Build without X11 support' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'xz' => :build depends_on 'glib' depends_on 'harfbuzz' unless build.include? 'without-x' depends_on :x11 # Needs fontconfig 2.10.91, which is newer than what XQuartz provides depends_on 'fontconfig' end # The Cairo library shipped with Lion contains a flaw that causes Graphviz # to segfault. See the following ticket for information: # # We depend on our cairo on all platforms for consistency depends_on 'cairo' fails_with :llvm do build 2326 cause "Undefined symbols when linking" end def install args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-man --with-html-dir=#{share}/doc --disable-introspection ] if build.include? 'without-x' args << '--without-xft' else args << '--with-xft' end system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make install" end def test system "#{bin}/pango-querymodules", "--version" end end