class Paket < Formula desc "Dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet and Git repositories" homepage "" url "" sha256 "377e910ad5c4f6b49269bc0cd1b59f7b976a4ae403726ba76965cfa6f385501c" bottle :unneeded depends_on "mono" => :recommended def install libexec.install "paket.exe" (bin/"paket").write <<~EOS #!/bin/bash mono #{libexec}/paket.exe "$@" EOS end test do test_package_id = "Paket.Test" test_package_version = "1.2.3" touch testpath/"paket.dependencies" touch testpath/"testfile.txt" system bin/"paket", "install" assert_predicate testpath/"paket.lock", :exist? (testpath/"paket.template").write <<~EOS type file id #{test_package_id} version #{test_package_version} authors Test package author description Description of this test package files testfile.txt ==> lib EOS system bin/"paket", "pack", "output", testpath assert_predicate testpath/"#{test_package_id}.#{test_package_version}.nupkg", :exist? end end