require 'formula' class Openssl < Formula url '' version '0.9.8r' homepage '' md5 '0352932ea863bc02b056cda7c9ac5b79' keg_only :provided_by_osx, "The OpenSSL provided by Leopard (0.9.7) is too old for some software." def install system "./config", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--openssldir=#{etc}", "zlib-dynamic", "shared" inreplace 'Makefile' do |s| s.change_make_var! 'MANDIR', man end ENV.j1 # Parallel compilation fails system "make" system "make test" system "make install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Note that the libraries built tend to be 32-bit only, even on Snow Leopard. EOS end end