class Fstar < Formula desc "Language with a type system for program verification" homepage "" url "", :tag => "v0.9.2.0", :revision => "2a8ce0b3dfbfb9703079aace0d73f2479f0d0ce2" revision 3 head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "0b3123d11fc2d3560dfba1b5731ebebb38716d0b7fa8d2b35d65a45f71e7a1fb" => :sierra sha256 "38c60283a46bf7264043f3bf84aedc0b844f8546b632cbec62e6332cb3e37f33" => :el_capitan sha256 "b58b25e62e5080d7b5bf2e3377113e5be922545fecefc2bb6de549293abc2e3d" => :yosemite end depends_on "opam" => :build depends_on "gmp" => :build depends_on "ocaml" => :recommended depends_on "z3" => :recommended def install ENV.deparallelize # Not related to F* : OCaml parallelization ENV["OPAMROOT"] = buildpath/"opamroot" ENV["OPAMYES"] = "1" # avoid having to depend on coreutils inreplace "src/ocaml-output/Makefile", "$(DATE_EXEC) -Iseconds", "$(DATE_EXEC) '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'" system "opam", "init", "--no-setup" if build.stable? system "opam", "install", "batteries=2.5.3", "zarith=1.3", "yojson=1.1.6" else system "opam", "install", "batteries", "zarith", "yojson" end system "opam", "config", "exec", "--", "make", "-C", "src", "boot-ocaml" bin.install "src/ocaml-output/fstar.exe" (libexec/"stdlib").install Dir["lib/*"] (libexec/"contrib").install Dir["contrib/*"] (libexec/"examples").install Dir["examples/*"] (libexec/"tutorial").install Dir["doc/tutorial/*"] (libexec/"src").install Dir["src/*"] (libexec/"licenses").install "LICENSE-fsharp.txt", Dir["3rdparty/licenses/*"] prefix.install_symlink libexec/"stdlib" prefix.install_symlink libexec/"contrib" prefix.install_symlink libexec/"examples" prefix.install_symlink libexec/"tutorial" prefix.install_symlink libexec/"src" prefix.install_symlink libexec/"licenses" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent F* code can be extracted to OCaml code. To compile the generated OCaml code, you must install the package 'batteries' from the Opam package manager: - brew install opam - opam install batteries F* code can be extracted to F# code. To compile the generated F# (.NET) code, you must install the 'mono' package that includes the fsharp compiler: - brew install mono EOS end test do system "#{bin}/fstar.exe", "--include", "#{prefix}/examples/unit-tests", "--admit_fsi", "FStar.Set", "FStar.Set.fsi", "FStar.Heap.fst", "FStar.ST.fst", "FStar.All.fst", "FStar.List.fst", "FStar.String.fst", "FStar.Int32.fst", "unit1.fst", "unit2.fst", "testset.fst" end end