class Shiboken < Formula desc "GeneratorRunner plugin that outputs C++ code for CPython extensions" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "7625bbcf1fe313fd910c6b8c9cf49ac5495499f9d00867115a2f1f2a69fce5c4" head "" bottle do revision 2 sha256 "70c2218fd33120644707710aca6cb12a68272b85afdc694a4a3fe28eb5135f8f" => :el_capitan sha256 "f0f159f81858e514afd5cfc55f9c05a40ad5155baffc788974f4e632bfd97726" => :yosemite sha256 "a1306b5980598839dfba0ba4ea23251fafebc87307bfb3c2ebcc5d006c63c9cb" => :mavericks sha256 "81a1a53a3abdc3b21f5716f30ca1e3be063821f746e7e390ab51e97d45de29c6" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "qt" # don't use depends_on :python because then bottles install Homebrew's python option "without-python", "Build without python 2 support" depends_on :python => :recommended if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard depends_on :python3 => :optional def install # As of 1.1.1 the install fails unless you do an out of tree build and put # the source dir last in the args. Language::Python.each_python(build) do |python, version| mkdir "macbuild#{version}" do args = std_cmake_args # Building the tests also runs them. args << "-DBUILD_TESTS=ON" if python == "python3" && Formula["python3"].installed? python_framework = (Formula["python3"].opt_prefix)/"Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/#{version}" args << "-DPYTHON3_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=#{python_framework}/Headers" args << "-DPYTHON3_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=#{python_framework}/lib/libpython#{version}.dylib" end args << "-DUSE_PYTHON3:BOOL=ON" if python == "python3" args << ".." system "cmake", *args system "make", "install" end end end test do Language::Python.each_python(build) do |python, _version| system python, "-c", "import shiboken" end end end