class Hbase < Formula desc "Hadoop database: a distributed, scalable, big data store" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "cb4a90101d77b369e79f5c816b2c04be2e25d77c954560139608ae3cbf0c629f" bottle do sha256 "e1327223be7395aeb678ebc1d6984bbe5a5e4dfaefdab2522089458cb8e13204" => :mojave sha256 "fa047bafe2cb95a57703eea0b15287cf0aefe384a4c07d2f579d75de73769e12" => :high_sierra sha256 "450dcab9bd5639f0fc516e7ab293d049e4c3c0295986f25a18e9fe5ff7d25ab8" => :sierra end depends_on "ant" => :build # 64 bit is required because of three things: # the lzo jar has a native extension # building native extensions requires a version of java that matches the architecture # there is no 32 bit version of java for macOS since Java 1.7, and 1.8 is required for hbase depends_on :arch => :x86_64 depends_on :java => "1.8" depends_on "lzo" resource "hadoop-lzo" do url "" sha256 "aa8ddbb8b3f9e1c4b8cc3523486acdb7841cd97c002a9f2959c5b320c7bb0e6c" end def install rm_f Dir["bin/*.cmd", "conf/*.cmd"] libexec.install %w[bin conf docs lib hbase-webapps] # Some binaries have really generic names (like `test`) and most seem to be # too special-purpose to be permanently available via PATH. %w[hbase].each do |script| (bin/script).write_env_script "#{libexec}/bin/#{script}", Language::Java.java_home_env("1.8") end resource("hadoop-lzo").stage do # Fixed upstream: inreplace "build.xml", %r{()}, "\\1\n" ENV["CLASSPATH"] = Dir["#{libexec}/lib/hadoop-common-*.jar"].first ENV["CFLAGS"] = "-m64" ENV["CXXFLAGS"] = "-m64" ENV["CPPFLAGS"] = "-I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Headers" system "ant", "compile-native", "tar" (libexec/"lib").install Dir["build/hadoop-lzo-*/hadoop-lzo-*.jar"] (libexec/"lib/native").install Dir["build/hadoop-lzo-*/lib/native/*"] end inreplace "#{libexec}/conf/" do |s| # upstream bugs for ipv6 incompatibility: # # s.gsub!("export HBASE_OPTS=\"-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC\"", "export HBASE_OPTS=\" -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC\"") s.gsub!("# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0/", "export JAVA_HOME=\"$(/usr/libexec/java_home --version 1.8)\"") # avoid deprecated-option warning issued by Java 8 s.gsub!(" -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m", "") # Default `$HBASE_HOME/logs` is unsuitable as it would cause writes to the # formula's prefix. Provide a better default but still allow override. s.gsub!(/^# export HBASE_LOG_DIR=.*$/, "export HBASE_LOG_DIR=\"${HBASE_LOG_DIR:-#{var}/log/hbase}\"") end # makes hbase usable out of the box # upstream has been provided this patch # inreplace "#{libexec}/conf/hbase-site.xml", //, <<~EOS hbase.rootdir file://#{var}/hbase 2181 #{var}/zookeeper hbase.zookeeper.dns.interface lo0 hbase.regionserver.dns.interface lo0 hbase.master.dns.interface lo0 EOS end def post_install (var/"log/hbase").mkpath (var/"run/hbase").mkpath end plist_options :manual => "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/hbase/bin/" def plist; <<~EOS KeepAlive Label #{plist_name} EnvironmentVariables HBASE_MASTER_OPTS -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m HBASE_LOG_DIR#{var}/hbase HBASE_HOME#{opt_libexec} HBASE_SECURITY_LOGGERINFO,RFAS HBASE_PID_DIR#{var}/run/hbase HBASE_NICENESS0 HBASE_IDENT_STRINGroot HBASE_REGIONSERVER_OPTS -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m HBASE_OPTS-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC HBASE_ROOT_LOGGERINFO,RFA HBASE_LOG_PREFIXhbase-root-master HBASE_LOGFILEhbase-root-master.log ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/hbase --config #{opt_libexec}/conf master start RunAtLoad WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} StandardOutPath #{var}/hbase/hbase.log StandardErrorPath #{var}/hbase/hbase.err EOS end test do assert_match "HBase #{version}", shell_output("#{bin}/hbase version 2>&1") cp_r (libexec/"conf"), testpath inreplace (testpath/"conf/hbase-site.xml") do |s| s.gsub! /(hbase.rootdir.*)\n.*/, "\\1\nfile://#{testpath}/hbase" s.gsub! /(*)\n.*/, "\\1\n#{testpath}/zookeeper" end ENV["HBASE_LOG_DIR"] = testpath/"logs" ENV["HBASE_CONF_DIR"] = testpath/"conf" ENV["HBASE_PID_DIR"] = testpath/"pid" system "#{bin}/" sleep 10 begin assert_match "Zookeeper", pipe_output("nc 2181 2>&1", "stats") ensure system "#{bin}/" end end end