require 'formula' class Mjpegtools < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'f411e8573d446711dbe8455a6ae9257e1afe1e70' option "with-libquicktime", "Build with Quicktime support" option "with-libdv", "Build with DV support" option "with-gtk+", "Build with GTK+ support" option "with-sdl_gfx", "Build with SDL support" depends_on 'jpeg' depends_on 'libquicktime' => :optional if build.include? "with-libquicktime" depends_on 'libdv' => :optional if build.include? "with-libdv" depends_on 'gtk+' => :optional if build.include? "with-gtk+" depends_on 'sdl_gfx' => :optional if build.include? "with-sdl_gfx" fails_with :clang do build 421 cause <<-EOS.undent In file included from ./MotionSearcher.hh:2199:3: error: use of undeclared identifier 'DeleteRegion' EOS end def install args = ["--disable-dependency-tracking", "--enable-simd-accel", "--prefix=#{prefix}"] system "./configure", *args system "make install" end end