class Jlog < Formula desc "Pure C message queue with subscribers and publishers for logs" homepage "" head "" stable do url "" sha256 "81b7a9d86a4ee8dbc3cc08a7032ee0ecd31b531573525474be298bd4f1404e53" # Fixes `make install` to depend on `make all` patch do url "" sha256 "f8630d425227533d1641efbb7a3c489e859b5190c9a82a5f8fb4b81e1e8cd946" end end bottle do cellar :any sha256 "69c2aa1f1d241eeb2cfb4662367649467627263bb7f4ab03352fe15dff599314" => :el_capitan sha256 "8430563a9007fbfe9381ee2e551341fd24bd196c41ce337737ab18756f8ee2e9" => :yosemite sha256 "cd53653f705bcdef61426a1a35938b8a836a91846b8b5680010d7ce7987dad8f" => :mavericks end depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "autoconf" => :build def install system "autoconf" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"jlogtest.c").write <<-EOF.undent #include #include int main() { jlog_ctx *ctx; const char *path = "#{testpath}/jlogexample"; int rv; // First, ensure that the jlog is created ctx = jlog_new(path); if (jlog_ctx_init(ctx) != 0) { if(jlog_ctx_err(ctx) != JLOG_ERR_CREATE_EXISTS) { fprintf(stderr, "jlog_ctx_init failed: %d %s\\n", jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx)); exit(1); } // Make sure it knows about our subscriber(s) jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(ctx, "one", JLOG_BEGIN); jlog_ctx_add_subscriber(ctx, "two", JLOG_BEGIN); } // Now re-open for writing jlog_ctx_close(ctx); ctx = jlog_new(path); if (jlog_ctx_open_writer(ctx) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "jlog_ctx_open_writer failed: %d %s\\n", jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx)); exit(0); } // Send in some data rv = jlog_ctx_write(ctx, "hello\\n", strlen("hello\\n")); if (rv != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "jlog_ctx_write_message failed: %d %s\\n", jlog_ctx_err(ctx), jlog_ctx_err_string(ctx)); } jlog_ctx_close(ctx); } EOF system, "jlogtest.c", "-I#{include}", "-ljlog", "-o", "jlogtest" system testpath/"jlogtest" end end