class Neofetch < Formula desc "fast, highly customisable system info script" homepage "" url "" sha256 "b5d3319474ff432c874dd39d38800ac8eb31da0b8e481b871ff4792f07fb67c4" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "d76acad31a6c94dc33602133fda65a1968b8403b5a42cb2cff96927137008b9d" => :sierra sha256 "d76acad31a6c94dc33602133fda65a1968b8403b5a42cb2cff96927137008b9d" => :el_capitan sha256 "d76acad31a6c94dc33602133fda65a1968b8403b5a42cb2cff96927137008b9d" => :yosemite end # Fixes config file detection now that neofetch stores the config in /usr/local/etc # Can be removed with the next release patch do url "" sha256 "39dd55b268b515f22521e0dd2f1a31edd0b869cabf4c515142399906d9fa2d6d" end depends_on "screenresolution" => :recommended depends_on "imagemagick" => :recommended def install inreplace "Makefile", "$(DESTDIR)/etc", "$(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)" system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "SYSCONFDIR=#{etc}" end test do system "#{bin}/neofetch", "--test", "--config off" end end