class GitSecret < Formula desc "Bash-tool to store the private data inside a git repo." homepage "" url "" sha256 "6088c1a149702f6e73b0c40e952c5ece35dbeb3cf5f595e93e16306b1cea32a4" revision 1 head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "11f99b9a00368b61b702d8721dd5e3912313193049a774122d0d47821b084e74" => :el_capitan sha256 "d5031333baeed0aeb462697201830c5b322f32bdedcda34fd0bf79956806b572" => :yosemite sha256 "f6a410b125f8bed9125e6fe2c6fb741353725860c023665e272e8d57e28be245" => :mavericks end depends_on :gpg => :recommended def install system "make", "build" system "bash", "utils/", prefix end test do Gpg.create_test_key(testpath) system "git", "init" system "git", "config", "", "" system "git", "secret", "init" assert_match " added", shell_output("git secret tell -m") (testpath/"shh.txt").write "Top Secret" (testpath/".gitignore").write "shh.txt" system "git", "secret", "add", "shh.txt" system "git", "secret", "hide" assert File.exist?("shh.txt.secret") end end