class Lighttpd < Formula homepage "" url "" sha256 "4a71c1f6d8af41ed894b507720c4c17184dc320590013881d5170ca7f15c5bf7" revision 2 bottle do sha1 "55e4c14cf1e20dd169a16756f03e4d973f85c5bc" => :yosemite sha1 "8d5c27b5f3f0d405f70ece7037beeb472f32ceed" => :mavericks sha1 "83623156747027dcf7aed971b8edba2befcb000c" => :mountain_lion end option "with-lua51", "Include Lua scripting support for mod_magnet" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "pcre" depends_on "openssl" depends_on "lua51" => :optional depends_on "libev" => :optional # default max. file descriptors; this option will be ignored if the server is not started as root MAX_FDS = 512 def config_path; etc+"lighttpd/"; end def log_path; var+"log/lighttpd/"; end def www_path; var+"www/"; end def run_path; var+"lighttpd/"; end def install args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --prefix=#{prefix} --sbindir=#{bin} --with-openssl --with-ldap --with-zlib --with-bzip2 --with-attr ] args << "--with-lua" if build.with? "lua51" args << "--with-libev" if build.with? "libev" # fixed upstream, should be in next release: inreplace "src/", "$(LDAP_LIB)", "$(SSL_LIB) $(LDAP_LIB)" # autogen must be run, otherwise prebuilt configure may complain # about a version mismatch between included automake and Homebrew's system "./" system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" unless File.exist? config_path config_path.install "doc/config/lighttpd.conf", "doc/config/modules.conf" (config_path/"conf.d/").install Dir["doc/config/conf.d/*.conf"] inreplace config_path+"lighttpd.conf" do |s| s.sub!(/^var\.log_root\s*=\s*".+"$/,"var.log_root = \"#{log_path}\"") s.sub!(/^var\.server_root\s*=\s*".+"$/,"var.server_root = \"#{www_path}\"") s.sub!(/^var\.state_dir\s*=\s*".+"$/,"var.state_dir = \"#{run_path}\"") s.sub!(/^var\.home_dir\s*=\s*".+"$/,"var.home_dir = \"#{run_path}\"") s.sub!(/^var\.conf_dir\s*=\s*".+"$/,"var.conf_dir = \"#{config_path}\"") s.sub!(/^server\.port\s*=\s*80$/,"server.port = 8080") s.sub!(/^server\.document-root\s*=\s*server_root \+ "\/htdocs"$/,"server.document-root = server_root") # get rid of "warning: please use server.use-ipv6 only for hostnames, not # without server.bind / empty address; your config will break if the kernel # default for IPV6_V6ONLY changes" s.sub!(/^server.use-ipv6\s*=\s*"enable"$/,'server.use-ipv6 = "disable"') s.sub!(/^server\.username\s*=\s*".+"$/,'server.username = "_www"') s.sub!(/^server\.groupname\s*=\s*".+"$/,'server.groupname = "_www"') s.sub!(/^server\.event-handler\s*=\s*"linux-sysepoll"$/,'server.event-handler = "select"') s.sub!(/^server\.network-backend\s*=\s*"linux-sendfile"$/,' = "writev"') # "max-connections == max-fds/2", # s.sub!(/^server\.max-connections = .+$/,"server.max-connections = " + (MAX_FDS / 2).to_s()) end end log_path.mkpath (www_path/"htdocs").mkpath run_path.mkpath end test do system "#{bin}/lighttpd", "-t", "-f", "#{config_path}lighttpd.conf" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Docroot is: #{www_path} The default port has been set in #{config_path}lighttpd.conf to 8080 so that lighttpd can run without sudo. EOS end plist_options :manual => "lighttpd -f #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/lighttpd -D -f #{config_path}lighttpd.conf RunAtLoad KeepAlive WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} StandardErrorPath #{log_path}/output.log StandardOutPath #{log_path}/output.log HardResourceLimits NumberOfFiles #{MAX_FDS} SoftResourceLimits NumberOfFiles #{MAX_FDS} EOS end test do system bin/"lighttpd", "-v" end end