class Augustus < Formula desc "Predict genes in eukaryotic genomic sequences" homepage "" url "" sha256 "989a95fe3a83d62af4d323a9727d11b2c566adcf4d789d5d86d7b842d83e7671" head "" bottle do cellar :any rebuild 1 sha256 "4d052d58f6a1432deabdb529c83774017cc51456e780fd0dc79d127db2593366" => :mojave sha256 "54dfd9c7cb44e36d126ac9d1febe79192a5c9fa71e11b9e5bb9a3b6aa14ed3bf" => :high_sierra sha256 "a6fdc891239b33bea15d9f3f87992e5bf37a9b82ef683e662331617c1ac3c980" => :sierra end depends_on "boost" => :build depends_on "bamtools" depends_on "gcc" def install # Avoid "fatal error: 'sam.h' file not found" by not building bam2wig inreplace "auxprogs/Makefile", "cd bam2wig; make;", "#cd bam2wig; make;" # Fix error: api/BamReader.h: No such file or directory inreplace "auxprogs/bam2hints/Makefile", "INCLUDES = /usr/include/bamtools", "INCLUDES = #{Formula["bamtools"].include/"bamtools"}" inreplace "auxprogs/filterBam/src/Makefile", "BAMTOOLS = /usr/include/bamtools", "BAMTOOLS= #{Formula["bamtools"].include/"bamtools"}" # Prevent symlinking into /usr/local/bin/ inreplace "Makefile", %r{ln -sf.*/usr/local/bin/}, "#ln -sf" # Compile executables for macOS. Tarball ships with executables for Linux. system "make", "clean" # Clang breaks proteinprofile on macOS. This issue has been first reported # to upstream in 2016 (see # See also cd "src" do with_env("HOMEBREW_CC" => "gcc-9") do system "make" end end system "make" system "make", "install", "INSTALLDIR=#{prefix}" bin.env_script_all_files libexec/"bin", :AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH => prefix/"config" pkgshare.install "examples" end test do (testpath/"test.fasta").write <<~EOS >U00096.2:1-70 AGCTTTTCATTCTGACTGCAACGGGCAATATGTCTCTGTGTGGATTAAAAAAAGAGTGTCTGATAGCAGC EOS cmd = "#{bin}/augustus --species=human test.fasta" assert_match "Predicted genes", shell_output(cmd) cp pkgshare/"examples/example.fa", testpath cp pkgshare/"examples/profile/HsDHC.prfl", testpath cmd = "#{bin}/augustus --species=human --proteinprofile=HsDHC.prfl example.fa 2> /dev/null" assert_match "HS04636 AUGUSTUS gene 966 6903 1 + . g1", shell_output(cmd) end end