class GnuTypist < Formula desc "GNU typing tutor" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "c13af40b12479f8219ffa6c66020618c0ce305ad305590fde02d2c20eb9cf977" revision 2 bottle do sha256 "9f0fcdd42b9a041408b132882778db2eb479749a7169b82f2caf1f4fd486b599" => :mojave sha256 "72503afd4efafe7a8485ea22332819937008263976a6f5f5b42818565d59edbf" => :high_sierra sha256 "d32708d6e8a640101ac618ceac23be6b9d1a6a4caa127c5fd12a44b4e57c09e9" => :sierra end depends_on "gettext" # Use Apple's ncurses instead of ncursesw. # TODO: use an IFDEF for apple and submit upstream patch do url "" sha256 "a408ecb8be3ffdc184fe1fa94c8c2a452f72b181ce9be4f72557c992508474db" end def install # libiconv is not linked properly without this ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-liconv" system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-lispdir=#{elisp}" system "make" system "make", "install" end test do session = fork do exec bin/"gtypist", "-t", "-q", "-l", "DEMO_0", share/"gtypist/demo.typ" end sleep 2 Process.kill("TERM", session) end end