class Gpgme < Formula desc "Library access to GnuPG" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "d4b23e47a9e784a63e029338cce0464a82ce0ae4af852886afda410f9e39c630" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "bed4b8e9812a1d284b08ef2ad119b878d15890df993260eb763d885cc8d06e57" => :mojave sha256 "00b1378847f4af823f953cf0a44d2739abdc5727c9dcf43c9a332e9b99f8fa17" => :high_sierra sha256 "84d4d210a828e93794ee4cb846b6d6589f777657fc1437c4f0fe1db4f71a807d" => :sierra end depends_on "doxygen" => :build depends_on "graphviz" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "python" => [:build, :test] depends_on "qt" => [:build, :test] depends_on "swig" => :build depends_on "cmake" => :test depends_on "gnupg" depends_on "libassuan" depends_on "libgpg-error" def install system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-static" system "make" system "make", "install" # avoid triggering mandatory rebuilds of software that hard-codes this path inreplace bin/"gpgme-config", prefix, opt_prefix end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/gpgme-tool --lib-version") system "python2.7", "-c", "import gpg; print gpg.version.versionstr" system "python3", "-c", "import gpg; print(gpg.version.versionstr)" (testpath/"CMakeLists.txt").write("find_package(QGpgme REQUIRED)") system "cmake", ".", "-Wno-dev" end end