require 'formula' require 'hardware' class Go 'release' homepage '' skip_clean 'bin' def cruft %w[src include test doc] end def which_arch Hardware.is_64_bit? ? 'amd64' : '386' end def install ENV.j1 # prefix.install %w[src include test doc misc] Dir.chdir prefix mkdir %w[pkg bin lib] ENV['GOROOT'] = Dir.getwd ENV['GOBIN'] = bin ENV['GOARCH'] = which_arch ENV['GOOS'] = 'darwin' ENV.prepend 'PATH', ENV['GOBIN'], ':' Dir.chdir 'src' do system "./all.bash" # Keep the makefiles - end Dir['src/*'].each{|f| rm_rf f unless f.match(/^src\/Make/) } rm_rf %w[include test doc] end def caveats <<-EOS.undent In order to use Go, set the following in your ~/.profile: export GOROOT=`brew --cellar`/go/#{version} export GOBIN=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin export GOARCH=#{which_arch} export GOOS=darwin Presumably at some point the Go developers won't require us to mutilate our shell environments in order to compile Go code... EOS end end