require "language/haskell" class Arx < Formula include Language::Haskell::Cabal desc "Bundles files and programs for easy transfer and repeatable execution" homepage "" url "" sha256 "81fc7e8de484e865c04fda1bf4619030621e261102aa79490a18ab4e4275105f" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "b8fc00cd6d272e33046cd7fad782c4d3f5fccd61d1aaf2ddca92db58acf79247" => :mojave sha256 "ff5ed85033e8e8e32cb86bc17ff3fcf61ee3ca4789663a7df73d72b6e538d560" => :high_sierra sha256 "e9784c07ce08e7dcc11d779a8357a65d1e2f338349c8466b2262f8695fb9b2d2" => :sierra end depends_on "cabal-install" => :build depends_on "ghc" => :build conflicts_with "arx-libertatis", "rnv", :because => "arx, arx-libertatis and rnv all install `arx` binaries" def install cabal_sandbox do cabal_install "--only-dependencies" system "make" tag = `./bin/dist tag`.chomp bin.install "tmp/dist/arx-#{tag}/arx" => "arx" end end test do testscript = (testpath/"") testscript.write shell_output("#{bin}/arx tmpx // echo 'testing'") testscript.chmod 0555 assert_match /testing/, shell_output("./") end end