class CouchdbLucene < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "75e0c55a87f47903c6cd122286ea3e4568809f7e" bottle do sha1 "6df93e1cf958760cd4d822822728693092d2289f" => :yosemite sha1 "ae4d677f930935654b3cc727650c4c21dffbc501" => :mavericks sha1 "2248e7029a5a565e151c52f67cc2bfeae12e2bdd" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "couchdb" depends_on "maven" => :build depends_on :java def install system "mvn" system "tar", "-xzf", "target/couchdb-lucene-#{version}-dist.tar.gz", "--strip", "1" prefix.install_metafiles rm_rf Dir["bin/*.bat"] libexec.install Dir["*"] Dir.glob("#{libexec}/bin/*") do |path| bin_name = File.basename(path) cmd = "cl_#{bin_name}" (bin/cmd).write shim_script(bin_name) (libexec/"clbin").install_symlink bin/cmd => bin_name end ini_path.write(ini_file) unless ini_path.exist? end def shim_script(target); <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/bash export CL_BASEDIR=#{libexec}/bin exec "$CL_BASEDIR/#{target}" "$@" EOS end def ini_path etc/"couchdb/local.d/couchdb-lucene.ini" end def ini_file; <<-EOS.undent [httpd_global_handlers] _fti = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>} EOS end plist_options :manual => "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/couchdb-lucene/bin/cl_run" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} EnvironmentVariables HOME ~ ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/cl_run StandardOutPath /dev/null StandardErrorPath /dev/null RunAtLoad KeepAlive EOS end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent All commands have been installed with the prefix 'cl_'. If you really need to use these commands with their normal names, you can add a "clbin" directory to your PATH from your bashrc like: PATH="#{opt_libexec}/clbin:$PATH" EOS end test do io = IO.popen("#{bin}/cl_run") sleep 2 Process.kill("SIGINT", Process.wait( !~ /Exception/ end end