class Fastlane < Formula desc "Easiest way to build and release mobile apps" homepage "" url "" sha256 "ff3813d75bbced1030b5d7e3e714e75f358788f74d951be796515e8ec4e7ec79" head "" depends_on "ruby@2.5" def install ENV["GEM_HOME"] = libexec ENV["GEM_PATH"] = libexec system "gem", "build", "fastlane.gemspec" system "gem", "install", "fastlane-#{version}.gem", "--no-document" (bin/"fastlane").write <<~EOS #!/bin/bash export PATH="#{Formula["ruby@2.5"].opt_bin}:$PATH}" GEM_HOME="#{libexec}" GEM_PATH="#{libexec}" \\ exec "#{libexec}/bin/fastlane" "$@" EOS chmod "+x", bin/"fastlane" end test do assert_match "fastlane #{version}", shell_output("#{bin}/fastlane --version") actions_output = shell_output("#{bin}/fastlane actions") assert_match "gym", actions_output assert_match "pilot", actions_output assert_match "screengrab", actions_output assert_match "supply", actions_output end end