class OpenshiftCli < Formula desc "OpenShift command-line interface tools" homepage "" url "", :tag => "v1.1.3", :revision => "cffae0523cfa80ddf917aba69f08508b91f603d5" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "6b435d2e26244ce987172be109b6a5b3ab9ebc13125a7eb197830a6e4dd1cf6b" => :el_capitan sha256 "508eaa170f5c8f240e49e9e5487238272f5b06b38eb8cede50304bd8ea2620e8" => :yosemite sha256 "1d61368ef89aed53970254b0f3e83dc673b644296d8cf7c80e8efdb8fc27c68a" => :mavericks end depends_on "go" => :build def install # this is necessary to avoid having the version marked as dirty (buildpath/".git/info/exclude").atomic_write <<-EOF.undent /.brew_home /src EOF # this is a terrible hack that's necessary because the build script assumes # that the source code was checked out via `go get` and overrides $GOPATH, # and also because make will change into the target of folder symlinks # rather than the folder symlinks themselves real_buildpath = buildpath/"src/" real_buildpath.install (Dir["*", ".*"] - [".", "..", "src"]) system "make", "-C", "src/", "all", "WHAT=cmd/openshift", "GOFLAGS=-v" arch = MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? "amd64" : "x86" bin.install real_buildpath/"_output/local/bin/darwin/#{arch}/openshift" bin.install_symlink "openshift" => "oc" bin.install_symlink "openshift" => "oadm" bash_completion.install Dir[real_buildpath/"contrib/completions/bash/*"] end test do assert_match /^oc v#{version}$/, shell_output("#{bin}/oc version") assert_match /^oadm v#{version}$/, shell_output("#{bin}/oadm version") assert_match /^openshift v#{version}$/, shell_output("#{bin}/openshift version") end end