class Glassfish < Formula desc "Java EE application server" homepage "" url "" sha256 "26f3fa6463d24c5ed3956e4cab24a97e834ca37d7a23d341aadaa78d9e0093ce" bottle :unneeded depends_on :java => "1.8" conflicts_with "payara", :because => "both install the same scripts" def install rm_rf Dir["bin/*.bat"] libexec.install Dir["*", ".org.opensolaris,pkg"] bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"] end def caveats; <<~EOS You may want to add the following to your .bash_profile: export GLASSFISH_HOME=#{opt_libexec} EOS end test do # check version system "#{opt_libexec}/glassfish/bin/asadmin version | grep #{version}" mkdir testpath/"glassfish" cp_r libexec/"glassfish", testpath/"glassfish" asadmin = testpath/"glassfish/glassfish/bin/asadmin" asenv_conf_path = testpath/"glassfish/glassfish/config/asenv.conf" domains_path = testpath/"glassfish/glassfish/domains" domain_xml_path = domains_path/"domain1/config/domain.xml" domaindir_arg = "--domaindir=#{domains_path}" # tell glassfish to use Java 8 java8_home = Utils.popen_read(Language::Java.java_home_cmd("1.8")).chomp, "a") { |file| file.puts "AS_JAVA=\"#{java8_home}\"" } server = port = server.addr[1] server.close # assign port to glassfish admin console text = new_contents = text.gsub(/port\=\"4848\"/, "port=\"#{port}\""), "w") { |file| file.puts new_contents } fork do exec asadmin, "start-domain", domaindir_arg, "domain1" end sleep 15 begin output = shell_output("curl -s -X GET localhost:#{port}") assert_match "GlassFish Server", output ensure exec asadmin, "stop-domain", domaindir_arg, "domain1" end end end