class Gjstest < Formula desc "Fast javascript unit testing framework that runs on the V8 engine." homepage "" url "" sha256 "7bf0de1c4b880b771a733c9a5ce07c71b93f073e6acda09bec7e400c91c2057c" revision 2 head "" bottle do sha256 "b8bc27f9817665b9623f7c90eea0bca46505905528cc383b78997802059f84ae" => :el_capitan sha256 "a077ef08c34e23218f6ab306a2da20c80a8a61c54b436c8f96288234af544d49" => :yosemite sha256 "1d6006881df18fc2b7ca39417c34d8dad05e7da6d01255ca9457002185c42537" => :mavericks end depends_on :macos => :mavericks depends_on "gflags" depends_on "glog" depends_on "libxml2" depends_on "protobuf" depends_on "re2" depends_on "v8" def install system "make", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "install" end test do (testpath/"sample_test.js").write <<-EOF function SampleTest() { } registerTestSuite(SampleTest); addTest(SampleTest, function twoPlusTwoEqualsFour() { expectEq(4, 2+2); }); EOF system "#{bin}/gjstest", "--js_files", "#{testpath}/sample_test.js" end end