class Cppcheck < Formula desc "Static analysis of C and C++ code" homepage "" url "" sha256 "86ea85c2ee5ec31a7410bfc7c206b87e600d284089428750d66d1ce1ffa0c9a6" head "" bottle do sha256 "62bc7a5de5fcd3ab3bed91c3e845496553bd4ec1d7dccf043e724e4bfdf36083" => :mojave sha256 "f284c2e2b62b1a341c7c0c65d70e1c8e89e260e8a3c6346d0a2f40fe27e381de" => :high_sierra sha256 "b67435545ca439c8cba2656ce28f71f8b66c01c2c42f7c6ad650eeeaff0aa655" => :sierra end depends_on "pcre" def install ENV.cxx11 system "make", "HAVE_RULES=yes", "CFGDIR=#{prefix}/cfg" # CFGDIR is relative to the prefix for install, don't add #{prefix}. system "make", "DESTDIR=#{prefix}", "BIN=#{bin}", "CFGDIR=/cfg", "install" # Move the python addons to the cppcheck pkgshare folder (pkgshare/"addons").install Dir.glob(bin/"*.py") end test do # Execution test with an input .cpp file test_cpp_file = testpath/"test.cpp" test_cpp_file.write <<~EOS #include using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World!" << endl; return 0; } class Example { public: int GetNumber() const; explicit Example(int initialNumber); private: int number; }; Example::Example(int initialNumber) { number = initialNumber; } EOS system "#{bin}/cppcheck", test_cpp_file # Test the "out of bounds" check test_cpp_file_check = testpath/"testcheck.cpp" test_cpp_file_check.write <<~EOS int main() { char a[10]; a[10] = 0; return 0; } EOS output = shell_output("#{bin}/cppcheck #{test_cpp_file_check} 2>&1") assert_match "out of bounds", output # Test the addon functionality: imports the cppcheckdata python # module and uses it to parse a cppcheck dump into an OOP structure. We then # check the correct number of detected tokens and function names. addons_dir = pkgshare/"addons" cppcheck_module = "#{name}data" expect_token_count = 55 expect_function_names = "main,GetNumber,Example" assert_parse_message = "Error: failed: can't parse the #{name} dump." sample_addon_file = testpath/"" sample_addon_file.write <<~EOS #!/usr/bin/env python """A simple test addon for #{name}, prints function names and token count""" import sys import imp # Manually import the '#{cppcheck_module}' module CFILE, FNAME, CDATA = imp.find_module("#{cppcheck_module}", ["#{addons_dir}"]) CPPCHECKDATA = imp.load_module("#{cppcheck_module}", CFILE, FNAME, CDATA) for arg in sys.argv[1:]: # Parse the dump file generated by #{name} configKlass = CPPCHECKDATA.parsedump(arg) if len(configKlass.configurations) == 0: sys.exit("#{assert_parse_message}") # Parse failure fConfig = configKlass.configurations[0] # Pick and join the function names in a string, separated by ',' detected_functions = ','.join( for fn in fConfig.functions) detected_token_count = len(fConfig.tokenlist) # Print the function names on the first line and the token count on the second print "%s\\n%s" %(detected_functions, detected_token_count) EOS system "#{bin}/cppcheck", "--dump", test_cpp_file test_cpp_file_dump = "#{test_cpp_file}.dump" assert_predicate testpath/test_cpp_file_dump, :exist? output = shell_output("python #{sample_addon_file} #{test_cpp_file_dump}") assert_match "#{expect_function_names}\n#{expect_token_count}", output end end