class Sdcc < Formula desc "ANSI C compiler for Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, and Zilog Z80" homepage "" url "" sha256 "854d47094698b06142df3d5fc646bb540d497ab4073ad2f051b8ec2141df948e" head "" bottle do sha256 "b80bbd646be2fe3f66a46e616537b385211b03b3f22b16fdf85ab92d64dba88e" => :high_sierra sha256 "c9b31ad24400562817d0ec03fd88051e62d1ba434f0f4750388cd1143afb1547" => :sierra sha256 "560804d50e214be12ce4417fd5edc5137d2d987c3d1617d4659284d8b614a1bf" => :el_capitan end option "with-avr-port", "Enables the AVR port (UNSUPPORTED, MAY FAIL)" option "with-xa51-port", "Enables the xa51 port (UNSUPPORTED, MAY FAIL)" deprecated_option "enable-avr-port" => "with-avr-port" deprecated_option "enable-xa51-port" => "with-xa51-port" depends_on "gputils" depends_on "boost" def install args = %W[--prefix=#{prefix}] args << "--enable-avr-port" if build.with? "avr-port" args << "--enable-xa51-port" if build.with? "xa51-port" system "./configure", *args system "make", "all" system "make", "install" rm Dir["#{bin}/*.el"] end test do system "#{bin}/sdcc", "-v" end end