class Opencbm < Formula desc "Provides access to various floppy drive formats" homepage "" url "" sha256 "f67c47470181bec2faea45ad2ac82ae237f30ad54c406b0e7dd1a4ad97b16d87" head "" bottle do sha256 "5da290f387b5cdf7fb60043fcc6aea4bd59d0ece756caf5d3180bd08ab254df7" => :high_sierra sha256 "b259c17a32d88330c3c68c1808556332c085fd4556780a3399a63d1e196b6047" => :sierra sha256 "37ba85e14c150298282184e951463d6f144e254552b02989d37fda2b73048bab" => :el_capitan sha256 "ebae0f7ec2738011329779d8bb419838ad11bb6397e687f0ea43ae12ad6df259" => :yosemite sha256 "a717325f45b16e0565167221054589fe37ed9d8c90e5cff63a41ebb2ced343d3" => :mavericks end # cc65 is only used to build binary blobs included with the programs; it's # not necessary in its own right. depends_on "cc65" => :build depends_on "libusb-compat" def install # This one definitely breaks with parallel build. ENV.deparallelize args = %W[ -fLINUX/Makefile LIBUSB_CONFIG=#{Formula["libusb-compat"].bin}/libusb-config PREFIX=#{prefix} MANDIR=#{man1} ] # The build is buried one directory down. cd "opencbm" do system "make", *args system "make", "install-all", *args end end test do system "#{bin}/cbmctrl", "--help" end end