class Liblwgeom < Formula desc "Allows SpatiaLite to support ST_MakeValid() like PostGIS" homepage "" revision 2 stable do url "" sha256 "0d0e27f72f12b8dba456fbde25ed0f6913f42baf57332a7f1b9bbc6f29fddbf4" # Strip all the PostgreSQL functions from PostGIS, to allow # building liblwgeom.dylib without needing PostgreSQL # NOTE: this will need to be maintained per postgis version # Somehow, this still works for 2.1.5, which is awesome! patch do url "" sha256 "0bccd1a9b42d8ef537a3851392e378ee252f813464a91ab8fe21ff7f7cae20c1" end end bottle do cellar :any sha256 "a12e1bb07f3b6288118f52b7e711aa0cb54c4edab8be537de26762d1b617471e" => :el_capitan sha256 "b902de2302683c968a3a375d16cd87814570c233e055a69de37e2842bbbcc5ab" => :yosemite sha256 "4b53028a2954665d46d15dc6d77e4a535c74d6ee446f95539e856e7c573ad4e2" => :mavericks end head do url "" depends_on "postgresql" => :build # don't maintain patches for HEAD end keg_only "Conflicts with PostGIS, which also installs liblwgeom.dylib" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "gpp" => :build depends_on "proj" depends_on "geos" depends_on "json-c" def install # See postgis.rb for comments about these settings ENV.deparallelize args = [ "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-nls", "--with-projdir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "--with-jsondir=#{Formula["json-c"].opt_prefix}", # Disable extraneous support "--without-libiconv-prefix", "--without-libintl-prefix", "--without-raster", # this ensures gdal is not required "--without-topology" ] if build.head? args << "--with-pgconfig=#{Formula["postgresql"].opt_bin}/pg_config" end system "./" system "./configure", *args mkdir "stage" cd "liblwgeom" do system "make", "install", "DESTDIR=#{buildpath}/stage" end lib.install Dir["stage/**/lib/*"] include.install Dir["stage/**/include/*"] end end