class Ldc < Formula desc "Portable D programming language compiler" homepage "" stable do # for the sake of LLVM 3.9 compatibility url "", :branch => "release-1.0.1", :revision => "3461e00f3531f855f9fc6e92515d7affb8201827" version "1.0.1-alpha1" resource "ldc-lts" do url "" sha256 "8498f0de1376d7830f3cf96472b874609363a00d6098d588aac5f6eae6365758" end end bottle do sha256 "5d4e2c20dd74909113448f9d80032b9eea9776061c2aabde9b58d33b36503588" => :sierra sha256 "4837cf9fdb9b9c030fb26674254a844610459203a79847b1ff3cf0d85770fc33" => :el_capitan sha256 "8d827625dea278303befcbb997d3e1713b7d85e257705a30da72ce1519eab147" => :yosemite end devel do url "" sha256 "2ded84ba496d1fb02571745bb3679dce06664009bcd200c8d352b746c9399262" version "1.1.0-beta6" resource "ldc-lts" do url "" sha256 "8498f0de1376d7830f3cf96472b874609363a00d6098d588aac5f6eae6365758" end end head do url "", :shallow => false resource "ldc-lts" do url "", :shallow => false, :branch => "ltsmaster" end end needs :cxx11 depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "llvm" depends_on "libconfig" def install ENV.cxx11 (buildpath/"ldc-lts").install resource("ldc-lts") cd "ldc-lts" do mkdir "build" do args = std_cmake_args + %W[ -DLLVM_ROOT_DIR=#{Formula["llvm"].opt_prefix} ] system "cmake", "..", *args system "make" end end mkdir "build" do args = std_cmake_args + %W[ -DLLVM_ROOT_DIR=#{Formula["llvm"].opt_prefix} -DINCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR=#{include}/dlang/ldc -DD_COMPILER=#{buildpath}/ldc-lts/build/bin/ldmd2 ] system "cmake", "..", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end end test do (testpath/"test.d").write <<-EOS.undent import std.stdio; void main() { writeln("Hello, world!"); } EOS if build.stable? system bin/"ldc2", "test.d" else system bin/"ldc2", "-flto=full", "test.d" end assert_match "Hello, world!", shell_output("./test") system bin/"ldmd2", "test.d" assert_match "Hello, world!", shell_output("./test") end end