require "formula" class Keepassc < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "3366fc811b312ef2e64eb48a8b84380bc1a962b1" head "", :branch => "development" depends_on :python3 resource "pycrypto" do # homepage "" url "" sha1 "aeda3ed41caf1766409d4efc689b9ca30ad6aeb2" end resource "kppy" do # homepage "" url "" sha1 "12dfad16a6dddf045e23b658b2446d16e0d267f5" end def install ENV.prepend_create_path 'PYTHONPATH', libexec+'lib/python3.4/site-packages' install_args = [ "", "install", "--prefix=#{libexec}" ] resource("pycrypto").stage { system "python3", *install_args } resource("kppy").stage { system "python3", *install_args } system "python3", *install_args man1.install Dir["*.1"] bin.install Dir[libexec/'bin/*'] bin.env_script_all_files(libexec+'bin', :PYTHONPATH => ENV['PYTHONPATH']) end test do # Fetching help is the only non-interactive action we can perform, # and since interactive actions are un-scriptable, there nothing more we can do. system "#{bin}/keepassc", "--help" end end