require 'formula' class SwiProlog < Formula url '' head 'git://' homepage '' md5 '7973bcfd3854ae0cb647cc62f2faabcf' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'readline' depends_on 'gmp' depends_on 'jpeg' depends_on 'mcrypt' depends_on 'gawk' # 10.5 versions of these are too old if MacOS.leopard? depends_on 'fontconfig' depends_on 'expat' end fails_with_llvm "Exported procedure chr_translate:chr_translate_line_info/3 is not defined" def options [['--lite', "Don't install any packages; overrides --with-jpl"], ['--without-jpl', "Include JPL, the Java-Prolog Bridge"]] end def install args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}"] ENV.append 'DISABLE_PKGS', "jpl" if ARGV.include? "--without-jpl" if x11_installed? # SWI-Prolog requires X11 for XPCE ENV.x11 else opoo "It appears that X11 is not installed. The XPCE packages will not be built." ENV.append 'DISABLE_PKGS', "xpce" end # SWI-Prolog's Makefiles don't add CPPFLAGS to the compile command, but do # include CIFLAGS. Setting it here. Also, they clobber CFLAGS, so including # the Homebrew-generated CFLAGS into COFLAGS here. ENV['CIFLAGS'] = ENV['CPPFLAGS'] ENV['COFLAGS'] = ENV['CFLAGS'] # Build the packages unless --lite option specified args << "--with-world" unless ARGV.include? "--lite" # './prepare' prompts the user to build documentation # (which requires other modules). '3' is the option # to ignore documentation. system "echo '3' | ./prepare" if ARGV.build_head? system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent By default, this formula installs the JPL bridge. On 10.6, this requires the "Java Developer Update" from Apple: * Use the "--without-jpl" switch to skip installing this component. EOS end end