class Tig < Formula desc "Text interface for Git repositories" homepage "" url "" sha256 "0b48080896de59179c45c980080b4b414bb235df65ad08d661a9c9e169c3fa71" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "f359f1fc63abc08d9e9cf21814a8bdf41c0c0d75257be28cb36f5920a4a4f54b" => :sierra sha256 "777f473b9b0bbd8554c0bf138d52511d33ec1d28c0c041098a4a8f52fc816b41" => :el_capitan sha256 "e126cee0ef1cec3d6bd933f596c64ace6e0dadb0633d154e8bd921237bb93170" => :yosemite end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build end option "with-docs", "Build man pages using asciidoc and xmlto" if build.with? "docs" depends_on "asciidoc" depends_on "xmlto" end depends_on "readline" => :recommended def install system "./" if build.head? system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--sysconfdir=#{etc}" system "make" # Ensure the configured `sysconfdir` is used during runtime by # installing in a separate step. system "make", "install", "sysconfdir=#{pkgshare}/examples" system "make", "install-doc-man" if build.with? "docs" bash_completion.install "contrib/tig-completion.bash" zsh_completion.install "contrib/tig-completion.zsh" => "_tig" cp "#{bash_completion}/tig-completion.bash", zsh_completion end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent A sample of the default configuration has been installed to: #{opt_pkgshare}/examples/tigrc to override the system-wide default configuration, copy the sample to: #{etc}/tigrc EOS end end