require "language/haskell" class Elm < Formula include Language::Haskell::Cabal desc "Functional programming language for building browser-based GUIs" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "3ed70ab6e624c09dd251bb2f1e104752ebd3f50a062ddf92fff9cbec98d09850" resource "elm-package" do url "" sha256 "5cf6e1ae0a645b426c0474cc7cd3f7d1605ffa1ac5756a39a8b2268ddc7ea0e9" end resource "elm-make" do url "" sha256 "00c2d40128ca86454251d6672f49455265011c02aa3552a857af3109f337dbea" end resource "elm-repl" do url "" sha256 "be2b05d022ffa766fe186d5ad5da14385cec41ba7a4b2c18f2e0018351c99376" end resource "elm-reactor" do url "" sha256 "736f84a08b10df07cfd3966aa5c7802957ab35d6d74f6322d4a69a0b9d75f4fe" end end bottle do sha256 "4a7232fc62d4c340ddf49f6e63924734f66f5cb0861ea4fc042d41cebc139884" => :high_sierra sha256 "64f0a490d8bce84b1541a2a219c7298d515d64b3042bb48c41d52f83adf9260d" => :sierra sha256 "1c3f415cf011dbadc6265a22fd1671c2461f3e906cecc54172b67c7295b28344" => :el_capitan sha256 "428fb7d2719fee543d9cc8a5e25d0cbd697fe447e585e322f01f29f35fcc1011" => :yosemite end depends_on "ghc@8.0" => :build depends_on "cabal-install" => :build # Fix two "Not in scope" errors # Upstream PR from 3 Oct 2017 "Paths.hs: fix build failure" resource "elm-package-patch" do url "" sha256 "3f922d7962a41217e760361ad444d00676aff0e40c3741fd536b39d2961165d3" end def install # elm-compiler needs to be staged in a subdirectory for the build process to succeed (buildpath/"elm-compiler").install Dir["*"] extras_no_reactor = ["elm-package", "elm-make", "elm-repl"] extras = extras_no_reactor + ["elm-reactor"] extras.each do |extra| resource(extra).stage buildpath/extra end # inreplace "elm-make/elm-make.cabal", "optparse-applicative >=0.11 && <0.12,", "optparse-applicative >=0.11 && <0.14," # is current # inreplace "elm-package/elm-package.cabal" do |s| s.gsub! "optparse-applicative >= 0.11 && < 0.12,", "optparse-applicative >= 0.11 && < 0.14," # is current s.gsub! "HTTP >= 4000.2.5 && < 4000.3,", "HTTP >= 4000.2.5 && < 4000.4," # 4000.3.3 is current end resource("elm-package-patch").stage do system "patch", "-p1", "-i", Pathname.pwd/"287.patch", "-d", buildpath/"elm-package" end cabal_sandbox do cabal_sandbox_add_source "elm-compiler", *extras cabal_install "--only-dependencies", "elm-compiler", *extras cabal_install "--prefix=#{prefix}", "elm-compiler", *extras_no_reactor # elm-reactor needs to be installed last because of a post-build dependency on elm-make ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin cabal_install "--prefix=#{prefix}", "elm-reactor" end end test do src_path = testpath/"Hello.elm" src_path.write <<-EOS.undent import Html exposing (text) main = text "Hello, world!" EOS system bin/"elm", "package", "install", "elm-lang/html", "--yes" out_path = testpath/"index.html" system bin/"elm", "make", src_path, "--output=#{out_path}" assert File.exist?(out_path) end end