class Wireshark < Formula desc "Graphical network analyzer and capture tool" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "75dd88d3d6336559e5b0b72077d8a772a988197d571f00029986225fef609ac8" head "", :using => :git bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 "fde59424995d5676f687bd0a94ada4ef06874076afbb7b5c2e6e547bfcb734fc" => :sierra sha256 "cc3d111f8335e671353a1d504bb6f9a002baf343463249f118d7216acf932523" => :el_capitan sha256 "43e83118a3cbeae5c55e3b399a9cd06a737628ab5f4866fffb5fc36829c690cf" => :yosemite end deprecated_option "with-qt5" => "with-qt" option "with-gtk+3", "Build the wireshark command with gtk+3" option "with-gtk+", "Build the wireshark command with gtk+" option "with-qt", "Build the wireshark command with Qt (can be used with or without either GTK option)" option "with-headers", "Install Wireshark library headers for plug-in development" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "glib" depends_on "gnutls" depends_on "libgcrypt" depends_on "dbus" depends_on "geoip" => :recommended depends_on "c-ares" => :recommended depends_on "libsmi" => :optional depends_on "lua" => :optional depends_on "portaudio" => :optional depends_on "qt" => :optional depends_on "gtk+3" => :optional depends_on "gtk+" => :optional depends_on "gnome-icon-theme" if build.with? "gtk+3" resource "libpcap" do url "" sha256 "f47b51533f9f060afb304010ea5cbf51d032707333bca70c36351d255754659c" end def install if MacOS.version <= :mavericks resource("libpcap").stage do system "./configure", "--prefix=#{libexec}/vendor", "--enable-ipv6", "--disable-universal" system "make", "install" end ENV.prepend_path "PATH", libexec/"vendor/bin" ENV.prepend "CFLAGS", "-I#{libexec}/vendor/include" ENV.prepend "LDFLAGS", "-L#{libexec}/vendor/lib" end args = std_cmake_args args << "-DENABLE_GNUTLS=ON" << "-DENABLE_GCRYPT=ON" if build.with? "qt" args << "-DBUILD_wireshark=ON" args << "-DENABLE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE=ON" args << "-DENABLE_QT5=ON" else args << "-DBUILD_wireshark=OFF" args << "-DENABLE_APPLICATION_BUNDLE=OFF" end if build.with?("gtk+3") || build.with?("gtk+") args << "-DBUILD_wireshark_gtk=ON" args << "-DENABLE_GTK3=" + (build.with?("gtk+3") ? "ON" : "OFF") args << "-DENABLE_PORTAUDIO=ON" if build.with? "portaudio" else args << "-DBUILD_wireshark_gtk=OFF" args << "-DENABLE_PORTAUDIO=OFF" end if build.with? "geoip" args << "-DENABLE_GEOIP=ON" else args << "-DENABLE_GEOIP=OFF" end if build.with? "c-ares" args << "-DENABLE_CARES=ON" else args << "-DENABLE_CARES=OFF" end if build.with? "libsmi" args << "-DENABLE_SMI=ON" else args << "-DENABLE_SMI=OFF" end if build.with? "lua" args << "-DENABLE_LUA=ON" else args << "-DENABLE_LUA=OFF" end system "cmake", *args system "make" ENV.deparallelize # parallel install fails system "make", "install" if build.with? "qt" prefix.install bin/"" bin.install_symlink prefix/"" end if build.with? "headers" (include/"wireshark").install Dir["*.h"] (include/"wireshark/epan").install Dir["epan/*.h"] (include/"wireshark/epan/crypt").install Dir["epan/crypt/*.h"] (include/"wireshark/epan/dfilter").install Dir["epan/dfilter/*.h"] (include/"wireshark/epan/dissectors").install Dir["epan/dissectors/*.h"] (include/"wireshark/epan/ftypes").install Dir["epan/ftypes/*.h"] (include/"wireshark/epan/wmem").install Dir["epan/wmem/*.h"] (include/"wireshark/wiretap").install Dir["wiretap/*.h"] (include/"wireshark/wsutil").install Dir["wsutil/*.h"] end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent If your list of available capture interfaces is empty (default macOS behavior), try installing ChmodBPF from homebrew cask: brew cask install wireshark-chmodbpf This creates an 'access_bpf' group and adds a launch daemon that changes the permissions of your BPF devices so that all users in that group have both read and write access to those devices. See bug report: EOS end test do system bin/"randpkt", "-b", "100", "-c", "2", "capture.pcap" output = shell_output("#{bin}/capinfos -Tmc capture.pcap") assert_equal "File name,Number of packets\ncapture.pcap,2\n", output end end