class RstLint < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "ReStructuredText linter" homepage "" url "" sha256 "eb75dda827c656a33be6e60f18b3943c4dd4252205e557ec95d1cf44df8e3a35" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "b10a17bb1122b6c4643111d191cb0bfb43e9db860fa6210a0067964909896a5d" => :mojave sha256 "5c13d9a749419b30333975c240947f824c6e13f1e5ea2dcf076c6745d6ec82bf" => :high_sierra sha256 "3518edf1fcd6dd3bef0db46246266167070f4936219685f448fa9fcf5ac6fb41" => :sierra end depends_on "python" resource "docutils" do url "" sha256 "51e64ef2ebfb29cae1faa133b3710143496eca21c530f3f71424d77687764274" end def install virtualenv_install_with_resources end test do # test invocation on a file with no issues (testpath/"pass.rst").write <<~EOS Hello World =========== EOS assert_equal "", shell_output("#{bin}/rst-lint pass.rst") # test invocation on a file with a whitespace style issue (testpath/"fail.rst").write <<~EOS Hello World ========== EOS output = shell_output("#{bin}/rst-lint fail.rst", 2) assert_match "WARNING fail.rst:2 Title underline too short.", output end end