class Ry < Formula desc "Ruby virtual env tool" homepage "" url "" sha256 "b53b51569dfa31233654b282d091b76af9f6b8af266e889b832bb374beeb1f59" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "81b21b5a615197eddf8048c3cbe21dfd0425ea7fe8fdd3d01f8ab5af487b57a4" => :mavericks sha256 "1a7ee174b349b62c9c6192ebb7db6ed741dd1b88261fd2e23f43d53a9a5c2709" => :mountain_lion sha256 "a62486fac22e1f2881872653ae7030e64c64e4ecc1cacab4ce0ffd3e3f4c7a80" => :lion end depends_on "ruby-build" => :recommended depends_on "bash-completion" => :recommended def install ENV["PREFIX"] = prefix ENV["BASH_COMPLETIONS_DIR"] = etc/"bash_completion.d" ENV["ZSH_COMPLETIONS_DIR"] = share/"zsh/site-functions" system "make", "install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Please add to your profile: which ry &>/dev/null && eval "$(ry setup)" If you want your Rubies to persist across updates you should set the `RY_RUBIES` variable in your profile, i.e. export RY_RUBIES="#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/var/ry/rubies" EOS end test do ENV["RY_RUBIES"] = testpath/"rubies" system bin/"ry", "ls" assert File.exist?(testpath/"rubies") end end