class Autojump < Formula desc "Shell extension to jump to frequently used directories" homepage "" url "" sha256 "765fabda130eb4df70d1c1e5bc172e1d18f8ec22c6b89ff98f1674335292e99f" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "8e302e0a90b898349749c4b83b3c758f4af76ad415f6ac5e245cc0df9c2c90e6" => :high_sierra sha256 "29d37b9fc31a978d0767c4925e88fa9fe3cebf4a9f9278fa82a96baf5caa0db4" => :sierra sha256 "29d37b9fc31a978d0767c4925e88fa9fe3cebf4a9f9278fa82a96baf5caa0db4" => :el_capitan sha256 "29d37b9fc31a978d0767c4925e88fa9fe3cebf4a9f9278fa82a96baf5caa0db4" => :yosemite end def install system "./", "-d", prefix, "-z", zsh_completion # Backwards compatibility for users that have the old path in .bash_profile # or .zshrc (prefix/"etc").install_symlink prefix/"etc/profile.d/" libexec.install bin bin.write_exec_script libexec/"bin/autojump" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc file (and remember to source the file to update your current session): [ -f #{etc}/profile.d/ ] && . #{etc}/profile.d/ If you use the Fish shell then add the following line to your ~/.config/fish/ [ -f #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/autojump/ ]; and source #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/autojump/ EOS end test do path = testpath/"foo/bar" path.mkpath output = ` source #{etc}/profile.d/ j -a "#{path.relative_path_from(testpath)}" j foo >/dev/null pwd `.strip assert_equal path.realpath.to_s, output end end