class Openvpn < Formula desc "SSL VPN implementing OSI layer 2 or 3 secure network extension" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "2c12fe9ea641ac1291e70322cc500641c84e5903dd4f40bf2eda7e9f209b2f9c" bottle do cellar :any revision 1 sha256 "882a30fe91692b21da5a003d392bc87c87abd2e064a51f6466c95cf0b25924ce" => :el_capitan sha256 "4da6b041921df90a929821be483a67e3bb3e0a5ea4b28aed9a93cbab706b45e8" => :yosemite sha256 "c2fb3da6a522f8f64330c238c9e5266cdea1d23e908113bb2b82eeb80f3e884d" => :mavericks end depends_on "lzo" depends_on :tuntap if MacOS.version < :yosemite depends_on "openssl" def install # pam_appl header is installed in a different location on Leopard # and older; reported upstream if MacOS.version < :snow_leopard inreplace Dir["src/plugins/auth-pam/{auth-pam,pamdl}.c"], "security/pam_appl.h", "pam/pam_appl.h" end system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--with-crypto-library=openssl", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-password-save" system "make", "install" inreplace "sample/sample-config-files/", "/etc/openvpn", "#{etc}/openvpn" (doc/"sample").install Dir["sample/sample-*"] (etc+"openvpn").mkpath (var+"run/openvpn").mkpath # We don't use PolarSSL, so this file is unnecessary and somewhat confusing. rm "#{share}/doc/openvpn/README.polarssl" end def caveats s = "" if MacOS.version < :yosemite s += <<-EOS.undent If you have installed the Tuntap dependency as a source package you will need to follow the instructions found in `brew info tuntap`. If you have installed the binary Tuntap package, no further action is necessary. EOS end s += <<-EOS.undent For OpenVPN to work as a server, you will need to create configuration file in #{etc}/openvpn, samples can be found in #{share}/doc/openvpn EOS end plist_options :startup => true def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_sbin}/openvpn --config #{etc}/openvpn/openvpn.conf OnDemand RunAtLoad TimeOut 90 WatchPaths #{etc}/openvpn WorkingDirectory #{etc}/openvpn EOS end test do system "#{sbin}/openvpn", "--show-ciphers" end end