class GitTf < Formula desc "Share changes between TFS and git" homepage "" url "" sha256 "91fd12e7db19600cc908e59b82104dbfbb0dbfba6fd698804a8330d6103aae74" head do url "", :using => :git depends_on "maven" => :build end bottle :unneeded def install if build.stable? install_prefix = "" else system "mvn", "assembly:assembly" system "unzip", Dir["target/git-tf-*.zip"], "-dtarget" install_prefix = Dir["target/git-tf-*/"].first.to_s end libexec.install install_prefix + "git-tf" libexec.install install_prefix + "lib" (libexec + "native").install install_prefix + "native/macosx" bin.write_exec_script libexec/"git-tf" doc.install Dir["Git-TF_*", "ThirdPartyNotices*"] end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent This release removes support for TFS 2005 and 2008. Use a previous version if needed. EOS end test do system "#{bin}/git-tf" end end