class Monero < Formula desc "Official monero wallet and cpu miner" homepage "" url "", :tag => "v0.12.3.0", :revision => "a486cae407b109a7a95060daa85e4efed2046c01" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "2923389dc0e087a5fc701ee1ee51c4021687a5c0970d8d3e805350344d758a2f" => :mojave sha256 "19eafd4f8b9d564d093559cb61d259885033d069daea63995d6dd13e952e4fdf" => :high_sierra sha256 "fc88beb6f27c809f2c5d0d6f000d89b0cc3df38a60a703069b28ea8e8c54fc92" => :sierra sha256 "c8ff3020d112959d888fbb9009f91889ea50610585e80c10af9801a26a71f06d" => :el_capitan end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "boost" depends_on "openssl" depends_on "readline" depends_on "unbound" depends_on "zeromq" resource "cppzmq" do url "" sha256 "3e6b57bf49115f4ae893b1ff7848ead7267013087dc7be1ab27636a97144d373" end def install (buildpath/"cppzmq").install resource("cppzmq") system "cmake", ".", "-DZMQ_INCLUDE_PATH=#{buildpath}/cppzmq", "-DReadline_ROOT_DIR=#{Formula["readline"].opt_prefix}", *std_cmake_args system "make", "install" # Avoid conflicting with miniupnpc # Reported upstream 25 May 2018 rm lib/"libminiupnpc.a" rm_rf include/"miniupnpc" end test do cmd = "yes '' | #{bin}/monero-wallet-cli --restore-deterministic-wallet " \ "--password brew-test --restore-height 1 --generate-new-wallet wallet " \ "--electrum-seed 'baptism cousin whole exquisite bobsled fuselage left " \ "scoop emerge puzzled diet reinvest basin feast nautical upon mullet " \ "ponies sixteen refer enhanced maul aztec bemused basin'" \ "--command address" address = "4BDtRc8Ym9wGzx8vpkQQvpejxBNVpjEmVBebBPCT4XqvMxW3YaCALFraiQibejyMAxUXB5zqn4pVgHVm3JzhP2WzVAJDpHf" assert_equal address, shell_output(cmd).lines.last.split[1] end end