class Awscli < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "Official Amazon AWS command-line interface" homepage "" url "" sha256 "b111593526c3db0671e88215842d31e36168817517f5b482b01d777a537fbe2c" head "", :branch => "develop" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "ddf7443c0053a5e1afe661b0c67a9210e95ef63135b37fe298cf57484ff2fb67" => :sierra sha256 "6cf00baff5c846820e4b7b1a68b3d80a31fdd6ab29c6c2354896c2122d332e6f" => :el_capitan sha256 "c8adf60819f7b0088b57df75a7f25998b173ddd88ebd8ad14c54e8245b76e1e1" => :yosemite end # Use :python on Lion to avoid urllib3 warning # depends_on :python if MacOS.version <= :lion def install venv = virtualenv_create(libexec) system libexec/"bin/pip", "install", "-v", "--no-binary", ":all:", "--ignore-installed", buildpath system libexec/"bin/pip", "uninstall", "-y", "awscli" venv.pip_install_and_link buildpath pkgshare.install "awscli/examples" bash_completion.install "bin/aws_bash_completer" zsh_completion.install "bin/" => "_aws" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent The "examples" directory has been installed to: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/awscli/examples Before using aws-cli, you need to tell it about your AWS credentials. The quickest way to do this is to run: aws configure More information: EOS end test do assert_match "topics", shell_output("#{bin}/aws help") end end