require "formula" class Cayley < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "b69b1da6854cf174854034061ab0919fcf0c18b8" head "" bottle do sha1 "e213257e0c4b1b5c83c9ae74fb8fe5856d1bd366" => :mavericks sha1 "87fe92bafb4bcd3e2b46421d6576934a40ac1b4e" => :mountain_lion sha1 "de2e7e46e8f9e5d3688e5cce227bcb95b55970d2" => :lion end depends_on "bazaar" => :build depends_on :hg => :build depends_on "go" => :build option "without-samples", "Disable installing sample data" def install # Prepare for Go build ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath # To avoid re-downloading Cayley, symlink its source from the tarball so that Go can find it mkdir_p "src/" ln_s buildpath, "src/" # Install Go dependencies system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" system "go", "get", "" # HEAD does not require the extra work to get 0.3.0 to build properly so avoid it unless build.head? # Install Go dependencies system "go", "get", "" # Fix issue where 0.3.0 builds againsts an old version of syndtr/goleveldb inreplace "graph/leveldb/leveldb_triplestore.go", "GetApproximateSizes", "SizeOf" end # Build system "go", "build", "-o", "cayley" # Create sample configuration that uses the Homebrew-based directories inreplace "cayley.cfg.example", "/tmp/cayley_test", "#{var}/cayley/data.nt" # Install binary and configuration bin.install "cayley" etc.install "cayley.cfg.example" => "cayley.conf" # Create data directory (var/"cayley").mkpath if build.with? "samples" system "gzip", "-d", "30kmoviedata.nt.gz" # Copy over sample data (share/'cayley/samples').install "testdata.nt" (share/'cayley/samples').install "30kmoviedata.nt" end end plist_options :manual => "cayley --config=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/cayley.conf" def plist; <<-EOS.undent KeepAlive SuccessfulExit Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/cayley --config=#{etc}/cayley.conf RunAtLoad WorkingDirectory #{var}/cayley StandardErrorPath #{var}/log/cayley.log StandardOutPath #{var}/log/cayley.log EOS end test do require 'open3' touch "test.nt" Open3.popen3("#{bin}/cayley", "repl", "--dbpath=#{testpath}/test.nt") do |stdin, stdout, _| stdin.write "graph.Vertex().All()" stdin.close result = assert !result.include?("Error:") assert result.include?("Elapsed time:") end end end