class Dep < Formula desc "Go dependency management tool" homepage "" url "", :tag => "v0.5.1", :revision => "faa6189302b8a862e5612d332ff3755c19784749" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "5ae2b134e3ae0db5f49767820b8a29ba302a3e850be0febb108ceccdb6dbc2a4" => :mojave sha256 "185d8734c3009053c1b7eca70e61e2749ca83fe3573257a95e4c7f173f8eacd8" => :high_sierra sha256 "596d056ca96c9d4fd992f16362f78f64526a3034112e775ee3912f26ab5d4158" => :sierra end depends_on "go" conflicts_with "deployer", :because => "both install `dep` binaries" def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath (buildpath/"src/").install buildpath.children cd "src/" do ENV["DEP_BUILD_PLATFORMS"] = "darwin" ENV["DEP_BUILD_ARCHS"] = "amd64" system "hack/build-all.bash" bin.install "release/dep-darwin-amd64" => "dep" prefix.install_metafiles end end test do # Default HOMEBREW_TEMP is /tmp, which is actually a symlink to /private/tmp. # `dep` bails without `.realpath` as it expects $GOPATH to be a "real" path. ENV["GOPATH"] = testpath.realpath project = testpath/"src/" (project/"hello.go").write <<~EOS package main import "fmt" import "" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World") } EOS cd project do system bin/"dep", "init" assert_predicate project/"vendor", :exist?, "Failed to init!" inreplace "Gopkg.toml", /(version = ).*/, "\\1\"=1.11.0\"" system bin/"dep", "ensure" assert_match "795e20f90", (project/"Gopkg.lock").read output = shell_output("#{bin}/dep status") assert_match %r{\s+1.11.0\s}, output end end end