class Weaver < Formula desc "Command-line tool for Weaver" homepage "" url "" sha256 "93dee436fcb13e60d379393da2e7d734c44037d95e97f2917982351446c81c69" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "6dbf501d3f737498d524288aa7b43b92adea16768b79c4deb15ffaafe61fc7a0" => :high_sierra sha256 "9fb37fbc0afb25c1453f7bff075bbe9770b7cedc6672719545e283954ad57787" => :sierra end depends_on :xcode => ["9.0", :build] def install # libxml2 has to be included in ISYSTEM_PATH for building one of # dependencies. It didn't happen automatically before Xcode 9.3 # so homebrew patched environment variable to get it work. # But since Xcode 9.3 includes it already, the build will fail # because of redefinition of libxml2 module. # It's a bug of homebrew but before it's fixed, it's easier # to provide in-place workaround for now. # Please remove this once homebrew is patched. # if OS::Mac::Xcode.version >="9.3") old_isystem_paths = ENV["HOMEBREW_ISYSTEM_PATHS"] ENV["HOMEBREW_ISYSTEM_PATHS"] = old_isystem_paths.gsub("/usr/include/libxml2", "") end system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" ENV["HOMEBREW_ISYSTEM_PATHS"] = old_isystem_paths if defined? old_isystem_paths end test do # Weaver uses Sourcekitten and thus, has the same sandbox issues. # Rewrite test after sandbox issues investigated. # system "#{bin}/weaver", "--version" end end